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At Z&Z Beauty, we understand how important it is to feel confident in your own skin. That’s why we offer a range of facial treatments, including acne treatments, exfoliation, beard treatments for men, and back treatments.

We also offer microdermabrasion, high-frequency, and radio-frequency facials for individuals wanting to treat and prevent stubborn acne and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. 



Skincare Facials 

Our skin facials are designed to improve the health and appearance of your skin by targeting specific skin concerns and providing a range of benefits.


Acne Facial 

This facial specifically targets acne. Deep cleansing and extractions help in eliminating acne.

Our tailored service is designed to meet your specific skin concerns and help you achieve a clearer, healthier complexion.

Facial: $75 | 60 Mins

Basic Facials 

Our Basic Facial Facial consists of cleansing, skin analysis, exfoliation, steam or hot towels, extractions, facial massage, mask, toner, and moisturizer.

We also offer an Express Facial, perfect for beginners. 

Facial: $40 | 30 Mins

Men's Facials 

Our Men's Facials for men provide a rejuvenating experience. This facial consists of cleansing, conditioning, hot towels, extractions of ingrown hairs, beard oil and a shape up.

Facial: $40 | 30 Mins

Back Facials 

Our back facial  cleansing, steaming, toning, extractions, massage, mask and moisturizer. 

This facial also gives overall relaxation, helping to relieve stress.

Facial: $40 | 30 Mins



Microdermabrasion (MDA) is a minimally invasive resurfacing procedure using diamond tips to gently polish away dead skin cells from the skin's' surface.

Reduces fine lines and wrinkles, improving skin's textures and evens tone 

Reduces age spots and pigmentation and brightens dull skin

Increases penetrations of makeup and smooths skin

Treatment is suitable for most skin types

Microdermabrasion: $75 | 45 Mins


High Frequency & Radio Frequency Treatment

High Frequency Treatment

High Frequency Facial Treatment, also known as HF is a skincare technique that utilizes a high-frequency electrical current to treat various skin issues. This safe and gentle treatment targets common skin concerns, such as acne, fine lines, and dull complexion.

  • Highly effective in treating acne. 

  • Enhances blood circulation, boosting collagen and elastin production, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Significantly improves skin texture and reduces enlarged pores.

HF Treatment: $85 | 75 Mins

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening

This treatment is suitable for those looking to improve skin elasticity, reduce wrinkles, and achieve a more youthful appearance without surgery. It's an excellent option for individuals seeking a non-invasive alternative to traditional facelifts and body contouring procedures.

  • Tightens loose and sagging skin, especially for the face, neck, and abdomen. 

  • Encourages collagen production, helping to minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Results can be long-lasting. 

RF Skin Tightening: $65 | 45 Min
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